English Worksheets – Here you can explore our collection of phonics printables and games to help your little learners take their first steps towards being able to read.
You’ll find phonics worksheets, games, and other printable activities covering everything from letter recognition, to learning the letter sounds and CVC words and digraphs – perfect for preschool and kindergarten.
Whether you are a teacher, homeschooling your children, or a parent, these free English worksheets are perfect for helping kids learn to read and write.
The activities are designed to be cute, colorful, fun, and engaging.
These fun phonics activities have been created to help your children learn their letter sounds and improve their sounding out and blending skills – so why not download and print some off today and set them on the path to becoming reading superstars?
To open a PDF file for printing, simply click the “click here to download” button on the English Worksheet of your choice. Enter your first name and email address in the subscribe to download popup. Then download the worksheet.
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Make sure to check out our Alphabet Worksheets, Math Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Kid’s Activity Books, and Free Printables which will go along perfectly with any lesson plan.